Comparison of maltooligosaccharides separation

Efficiencies of Aqueous/Organic (multi-solvent use) SEC columns, Asahipak GF-210 HQ and GF-310 HQ were compared for the separation of maltooligosaccharides. Compared to GF-310 HQ, peaks are separated better with GF-210 HQ. Tri- to hexa-saccharide which were all eluted together with GF-310 HQ were separated with GF-210 HQ, indicating its improved separation efficiency in the lower molecular weight range.

Sample : 0.1 % each, 20 μL
1. Maltohexaose
2. Maltopentaose
3. Maltotetraose
4. Maltotriose
5. Maltose
6. Glucose

Columns      : Shodex Asahipak GF-210 HQ x 2, GF-310 HQ x 2 (7.5 mm I.D. x 300 mm each)
Eluent       : H2O
Flow rate    : 0.6 mL/min
Detector     : RI
Column temp. : 50 °C

Sample Name Index

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.

Product Name Index
