Effects of Flow Rate on the Column Pressure (HK-400 series)

GPC HK-400 series, organic SEC (GPC) columns for ultra-rapid analyses, can be used with conventional HPLC systems as the column backpressure remains low even at high flow rate conditions. However, column pressure may become relatively high depending on the flow rate applied. Therefore, please pay an extra attention for the pump (system) pressure limit especially when multiple columns are used in series.
In this application, the effects of flow rate on the column pressure were studied under THF eluent condition. Please note that the values are for reference only as there are column-to-column and/or lot-to-lot variations. Also, note that the column pressure of guard column, HK-G, is not influenced by the flow rate, and thus does not add much pressure to the system. 

Columns      : Shodex GPC HK-400 series (4.6 mm I.D. x 150 mm each), HK-G
Eluent       : THF
Flow rate    : 0.3 mL/min, 0.6 mL/min, 1.0 mL/min
Column temp. : 25 °C

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

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