The base packing material of the IEC DEAE-825 (a column for weak anion exchange chromatography) is poly(hydroxy methacrylate) and that of the Asahipak ES-502N 7C (a column for weak anion exchange chromatography) is poly(vinyl alcohol). In case of poly(vinyl alcohol) material, not only the ion exchange mode affect the separation, but also the reversed phase mode contributes to some degree to the separation of high molecular weight compounds such as proteins. There are some cases in which the difference in the packing material base may affect the separation.
Sample :
1. Conalbumin
2. Ovalbumin
3. Trypsin inhibitor
4. β-Lactoglobulin
Sample :
1. Conalbumin
2. Ovalbumin
3. Trypsin inhibitor
4. β-Lactoglobulin
Column : Shodex Asahipak ES-502N 7C (7.5 mm I.D. x 100 mm) Eluent : (A); 50 mM Bis-Tris propane HCl (pH7.0) (B); 50 mM Bis-Tris propane HCl (pH7.0) + 500 mM NaCl Linear gradient: 0 min to 20 min, 100 % (A) to 100 % (B) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detector : UV (280 nm) Column temp. : 30 °C
Sample Name Index
Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis
Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.
Product Name Index
- Recovery of Proteins and Enzime Activity (QA-825)
- Recovery of Proteins and Enzyme Activity (DEAE-825)
- Recovery of Proteins and Enzyme Activity (SP-825)
- Recovery of Proteins and Enzyme Activity (CM-825)
- Effects of Sample Load on Resolution (QA-825)
- Effects of Sample Load on Peak Width (DEAE-825)
- Effects of Sample Load on Peak Width (SP-825)
- Effects of Sample Load on Resolution (CM-825)
- Effects of pH on Elution Pattern (DEAE-825)
- Effects of pH on Elution Pattern (SP-825)
- Standard Proteins (5) (QA-825)
- Standard Proteins (7) (CM-825, SP-825)
- Standard Proteins (8) (ES-502C 7C)
- Crude Albumin (Chicken Egg)
- Human Serum (4) (DEAE-825)
- Proteins in Human Serum (1) (QA-825)
- Proteins in Human Serum (2) (DEAE-825)
- Lipoxidase from Soybean (1) (QA-825, DEAE-825)
- Collagen and BSA
- β Lactoglobulin Subfractions
- Angiotensin Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ
- Lysozyme Chloride
- Cytochrome P450 in Rat Liver Microsome
- Myosin Subfragments
- Bovine Liver Catalase
- Purified Kallikrein from Pig Pancreas
- Ribonuclease A from Equine Pancreas (CM-825)
- Lipoxidase (1) (SP-825)
- Papain
- Mercaptpalbumin and Nonmercaptoalbumin by Ion Exchange Chromatography