Adenine Nucleotides in Red Blood Cell

With Asahipak GS-320 HQ (a multimode column), proteins and nucleic acid components of high molecular weights are separated by the GFC mode, they elute all together at the Vo position. One of the advantages of GS-320 HQ is, for samples consisting of low molecular weight compounds coexisting with those of high molecular weight, that the low molecular weight compounds can be analyzed directly without removing high molecular weight compounds such as proteins.

Sample : 20 μL
1. Hemoglobin 0.85 %
2. ATP 10 μg/mL
3. ADP 10 μg/mL
4. AMP 10 μg/mL

Column       : Shodex Asahipak GS-320 HQ (7.5 mm I.D. x 300 mm)
Eluent       : 50 mM NaH2PO4 + 50 mM Na2HPO4 + 300 mM NaCl 
Flow rate    : 1.0 mL/min
Detector     : UV (260 nm)
Column temp. : 30 °C

Sample Name Index

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.

Product Name Index
