Calibration Curve for Saccharides and Organic Acids (SH1011)

Quantitaive analysis of saccharides and organic acids was performed using SUGAR SH1011. The linearity of the calibration curves are fairly good.

Sample: 10 μL

Coefficient of determination (0.2 to 250 μg) Scroll
Glucose 0.9999 Succinic acid 1.0000
Isomaltotriose 0.9999 Xylitol 0.9999
Maltitol 1.0000 Acetic acid 1.0000
Propionic acid 1.0000 Adipic acid 0.9997
Shodex SUGAR SH1011 (8.0 mm I.D. x 300 mm)
5 mM H2SO4 aq.
Flow rate
0.6 mL/min
RI for saccharides
UV (210 nm) for organic acids
Column temp.
60 ℃

Sample Name Index

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.

Product Name Index
