Saccharides and Organic Acids (1) (SH1011)

With SUGAR SH1011 and SH1821, which operate under ion exclusion and GFC modes, the use of perchloric acid aqueous solution allows analysis of saccharides and organic acids in a single run. By changing the concentration (pH) of the perchloric acid aqueous solution and the column temperature, the elution time of organic acids can be adjusted. However, when using columns such as SH1011 and SH1821 whose counter ions are of H type for the analysis of sucrose in a sample, measurement should be performed at a temperature as low as around 15 °C for preventing the decomposition of sucrose.

Sample :
1. Sucrose
2. Citric acid
3. Glucose
4. Fructose
5. Lactic acid
6. Succinic acid
7. Formic acid
8. Acetic acid

Column       : Shodex SUGAR SH1011 (8.0 mm I.D. x 300 mm)
Eluent       : 3 mM HClO4 aq.
Flow rate    : 1.0 mL/min
Detector     : RI
Column temp. : 15 °C

Sample Name Index

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.

Product Name Index
