Polymer-based Columns for Reversed Phase Chromatography (RSpak)

  • Suitable for reversed phase analysis of highly hydrophilic substances, that are not well retained by ODS columns
  • Fulfill USP-NF L21 requirements

  • General purpose polymer-based column having similar polarity as ODS columns
  • Wide working pH range (from pH 2 to 12), usable in 100 % water and buffer solutions
  • Fulfill USP-NF L71 requirements
  • Suitable for the analysis of amino acids and water-soluble vitamins
  • Fulfills USP-NF L39 requirements
  • The packing material modified with sulfo groups supports multimode (reversed phase and cation exchange) analysis
  • Ideal for the analysis of complex samples containing neutral and ionic substances
JJ-50 2D
  • The packing material is modified with trace amounts of quaternary ammonium groups, and supports multimode (reversed phase and anion exchange) analysis
  • Ideal for analysis of complex samples containing neutral and ionic substances
RSpak DS series(Standard columns)   [Housing material: SUS]Scroll
Product code Product name Plate number
Functional group Particle size
Column size (mm)
I.D. x Length
F7001001 RSpak DS-613   ≥ 6,500 -  6 6.0 x 150
F6700140 RSpak DS-G (guard column) - 10 4.6 x   10
F7001012 RSpak DS-413 ≥ 11,000 -     3.5 4.6 x 150
Product name Maximum pressure
Flow rate (mL/min) Temperature range
pH range Shipping solvent
Recommended Maximum
RSpak DS-613 10 0.8 - 1.5 3.0 20 - 50 2 - 12 CH3CN/THF/H2O=40/30/30
RSpak DS-G - - - 20 - 50 2 - 12 CH3CN/THF/H2O=40/30/30
RSpak DS-413 20 0.6 - 1.0 1.0 20 - 50 1 - 13 CH3CN/THF/H2O=30/30/40
RSpak DE series(Standard columns)   [Housing material: SUS]Scroll
Product code Product name Plate number
Functional group Particle size
Column size (mm)
I.D. x Length
F7001004 RSpak DE-613   ≥ 7,000 -  6 6.0 x 150
F7001005 RSpak DE-413 ≥ 11,000 -  4 4.6 x 150
F6700150 RSpak DE-G 4A (guard column) - 10 4.6 x   10
Product name Maximum pressure
Flow rate (mL/min) Temperature range
pH range Shipping solvent
Recommended Maximum
RSpak DE-613  7 2.0 ≥ 3.0 RT - 70 2 - 12 H2O
RSpak DE-413 15 0.4 - 1.0 1.2 RT - 60 2 - 12 H2O/CH3CN=50/50
RSpak DE-G 4A - - - RT - 70 2 - 12 H2O
(Semi-micro columns)   [Housing material: SUS]Scroll
Product code Product name Plate number
Functional group Particle size
Column size (mm)
I.D. x Length
F7001007 RSpak DE-213 ≥ 8,000 - 4 2.0 x 150
F6700151 RSpak DE-G 2A (guard column) - 4 2.0 x   10
Product name Maximum pressure
Flow rate (mL/min) Temperature range
pH range Shipping solvent
Recommended Maximum
RSpak DE-213 12 0.05 - 0.3 0.4 RT - 60 2 - 12 H2O/CH3CN=50/50
RSpak DE-G 2A - - - RT - 60 2 - 12 H2O/CH3CN=50/50
RSpak DM-614(Standard columns)   [Housing material: SUS]Scroll
Product code Product name Plate number
Functional group Particle size
Column size (mm)
I.D. x Length
F7001002 RSpak DM-614

≥ 4,500

- 10
6.0 x 150
F6700160 RSpak DM-G 4A

(guard column)

- 12
4.6 x   10
Product name Maximum pressure
Flow rate (mL/min) Temperature range
pH range Shipping solvent
Recommended Maximum
RSpak DM-614 2.0 0.5 - 1.0 2.0 RT - 60 2 - 10

5 mM H3PO4 aq.

RSpak DM-G 4A - - - RT - 60 2 - 10
5 mM H3PO4 aq.
RSpak NN-814(Standard columns)   [Housing material: SUS]Scroll
Product code Product name Plate number
Functional group Particle size
Column size (mm)
I.D. x Length
F7008140 RSpak NN-814

≥ 9,000

Sulfo 10
8.0 x 250
F6700510 RSpak NN-G

(guard column)

Sulfo 10
6.0 x   50
Product name Maximum pressure
Flow rate (mL/min) Temperature
range (℃)
pH range Shipping solvent
Recommended Maximum
RSpak NN-814 2.0 0.5 - 1.0 1.5 10 - 60 2 - 12
0.1 M Sodium phosphate buffer (pH3.0)
RSpak NN-G - - - 10 - 60 2 - 12
0.1 M Sodium phosphate buffer (pH3.0)
RSpak JJ-50 2D(Semi-micro column)   [Housing material: SUS]Scroll
Product code Product name Plate number
Functional group Particle size
Column size (mm)
I.D. x Length
F7008220 RSpak JJ-50 2D

≥ 3,500

Quaternary ammonium 5
2.0 x 150
Product name Maximum pressure
Flow rate (mL/min) Temperature range
pH range Shipping solvent
Recommended Maximum
RSpak JJ-50 2D 9.0 0.2 0.3 10 - 60 2 - 10

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.

Product Name Index

Related Products

Product Information (Related Information)

General Information on Packed Columns

introduction of column cleaning procedure and column test conditions etc.