This is a comparison of separation results obtained between two connected linear type columns (GPC KF-805L) and two connected conventional columns (KF-805 + KF-803). When different columns are connected, a shoulder appears, while no shoulder appears, when two of the same column type are connected.
Sample :
1. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 9,120,000)
2. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 1,100,000)
3. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 410,000)
4. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 128,000)
5. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 33,000)
6. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 10,200)
7. PS, Polystyrene (MW: 1,350)
8. n-Propylbenzene (MW: 120)
Columns : Shodex GPC KF-805L x 2 : Shodex GPC KF-805 + KF-803 (8.0 mm I.D. x 300 mm each) Eluent : THF : THF Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min : 1.0 mL/min Detector : RI : RI Column temp. : Room temp. : Room temp.
Sample Name Index
Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis
Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.
Product Name Index
- Hydrophobic Polymers: THF Eluent
- Hydrophobic Polymers: Chloroform Eluent
- Hydrophobic Polymers: DMF Eluent
- Hydrophobic Polymers: HFIP Eluent
- Hydrophobic Polymers: Other Eluents
- Additives in Hydrophobic Polymers
- Hydrophobic Oligomers
- Hydrophilic Polymers
- Cationic Polymers
- Solvent-peak Separation Columns
Applications (Related Information)
- To Realize Pure SEC Mode
- Guidelines for Shodex Column Selection
- Sample Concentration for SEC Analysis
- Effects of Sample Load (Pullulan)
- Selection of Calibration Curves
- Selection of Calibration Standards
- Connection of Different Pore-size Columns
- Comparison of Calibration Curves: Linear Type and Conventional Type
- Comparison of Separation: Linear Type and Conventional Type (1)
- Solubility of Solvents
- Physical Chemistry Properties of Solvents
- Polarities of Solvents