• Important Notice
  • Notification of Shodex RSpak DE-G 2A Particle Size Description Correction

Notification of Shodex RSpak DE-G 2A Particle Size Description Correction

Resonac Corporation 
Separation & Refining Business Group
Specialty Chemicals Department, Functional Chemicals Division

Dear valued customers,

We notify the misprint for RSpak DE-G 2A particle size on operation manual, catalog and Shodex website.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this mistake and will strive to prevent the similar mistakes from happening again.

Corresponding product

Product Name Product Code
Shodex RSpak DE-G 2A F6700151

Detail of the correction

Specification Incorrect Correct
Particle Size 6 µm 4 µm

Effective date

Operation manual
From June 2024 download version
From 2025-2026 version
From June 2024


The wrong description was used from the beginning of RSpak DE-G 2A sales and this mistake had been left unattended. The main cause was an insufficient check at the product launch.

We will endeavor further strengthening of our quality control process. We appreciate your continued use of Shodex products.

If you have any questions, please send your inquiry to us using the "Contact Us" form..

Your sincerely.