- Aliphatic Alcohols (1) (SH1011, SH1821)
- Aliphatic Alcohols (2) (DE-613)
- Aliphatic Alcohols (3) (ODP-50 6D)
- Aliphatic Alcohols (4) (KC-811)
- Aliphatic Alcohols (5) (SC1211)
- Aliphatic Alcohols (6) (SH1011)
- Diols (DE-613)
- Analysis of Glycols (SP0810)
- Analysis of Glycols and Sorbitol (SB-802 HQ)
- Analysis of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in reference to USP-NF “Polyethylene Glycol 3350” (SB-802 HQ)
- Aromatic Alcohols (DE-613)
- Effects of Acetonitrile Concentration in Analysis of Alcohols (SC1211)
- Glycerin and Glyceric Acid Analysis (SH1011)
- Amino Alcohols (1) (KD-802 + KD-801)
- Analysis of Amino Alcohols (YK-421)
- Ketones (DS-413)
- Ketones (2) (DE-413)