Instruments for On-Column Derivetization

Polyamines, also known as putrid or fixed amines, in foods are mainly generated as the result of denaturation by enzymes accompanying the fermentation or decomposition.
Formerly, such polyamines were analyzed by fluorescence derivatization using the precolumn or postcolumn method. However, the precolumn method is not easy to handle and the reaction product is not stable. With the postcolumn method, a complicated reaction system is necessary and it is difficult to obtain sharp peaks.
Here, a new derivatization method named the on-column derivertization method developed by Dr. Saito is shown.
Refer to Analysis of Polyamines by On-Column Derivertization

(Features of on-column derivatization method)
1) Only one pump is necessary.
2) Reproducible analysis is possible because polyamines are derivatized by a fluorescent derivatization reagent contained in the eluent.
3) Polyamines including histamine, which cause the decomposition of foods can be quantitatively analyzed simultaneously by isocratic elution.
4) Physiologically active amines, which have primary amino groups can be analyzed.

K.Saito, M.Horie, K.Nakagomi and H.Nakazawa, Anal.Sci. 8,675(1992)
