Simultaneous Analysis of 15 Components Including Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, and Oligosaccharides by HILIC Mode (VG-50 4E)

HILICpak VG-50 4E, a polymer-based amino column, is suitable for sugar analysis by HILIC mode. In this application, 15 components of oligosaccharides, from monosaccharides to tetrasaccharides, were analyzed using VG-50 4E coupled with an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD). With a gradient elution, all 15 components were separated and eluted in approximately 40 minutes. An example of sugar analysis in a commercially available BBQ sauce was also performed as a real sample analysis.

Sample: 10 μL
100 mg/L each

  1. 1.Ribose         9.Sucrose
  2. 2.Arabinose  
  3. 3.Xylose         11.Maltose
  4. 4.Fructose      12.Isomaltose
  5. 5.Mannose     13.Raffinose
  6. 6.Galactose    14.Maltotriose
  7. 7.Glucose       15.Stachyose
  8. 8.Lactulose

Sample pretreatment

Sample: 10 μL
Pretreated BBQ sauce

  1. 4.Fructose
  2. 7.Glucose
  3. 11.Maltose
Shodex HILICpak VG-50 4E (4.6 mm I.D. x 250 mm)
(A); Water, (B); Acetonitrile
88 % B (0-12 min) → 83.5 % B (25 min) → 60 % B (40-45 min) → 88 % B (45.10-55 min)
Flow rate
1.0 mL/min
Column temp.
45 ℃


Data provided by Shimadzu Corporation.
Details of the application and analysis of other seasonings can be found hereNew window will open.

Sample Name Index

Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis

Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.

Product Name Index


Applications (Related Information)