LC/MS Analysis of Citrulline (NH2P-40 2D)

Citrulline, an α-amino acid, was analyzed by Asahipak NH2P-40 2D a polymer-based amino column under HILIC mode. Hydrophilic compounds are retained at a high concentration of acetonitrile under HILIC mode conditions. This is advantageous for high sensitivity analysis by LC/MS.
*Sales of the product used in this application is discontinued, however if you are still interested in this application, please contact us.

Sample : 5 μL
L-Citrulline 20 ng/mL (in H2O/CH3CN=25/75)

Column       : Shodex Asahipak NH2P-40 2D (2.0 mm I.D. x 150 mm)
Eluent       : 20 mM HCOONH4 aq./CH3CN=25/75
Flow rate    : 0.2 mL/min
Detector     : ESI-MS/MS MRM
Column temp. : 30 °C

Sample Name Index
