PROTEIN LW-403 4D is an aqueous SEC (GFC) semi-micro column for rapid analysis of antibody proteins. PROTEIN LW-403 4D and PROTEIN LW-803 (a standard column) were compared for the separation of standard proteins. Analysis using LW-403 4D can be completed in half the time compared to LW-803.
Sample :
(LW-403 4D) 0.5 μL
(LW-803) 5 μL
1. Thyroglobulin
(MW : 670,000) 7 mg/mL
2. γ-Globulin
(MW : 160,000) 6 mg/mL
3. Ovalbumin
(MW : 44,300) 4.8 mg/mL
4. Ribonuclease A
(MW : 13,700) 7 mg/mL
5. Uridine
(MW : 244) 0.1 mg/mL
Columns : Shodex PROTEIN LW-403 4D (4.6 mm I.D. x 150 mm) Shodex PROTEIN LW-803 (8.0 mm I.D. x 300 mm) Eluent : 50 mM Sodium phosphate buffer (pH7.0) + 0.3 M NaCl Flow rate : (LW-403 4D) 0.35 mL/min (LW-803) 1.0 mL/min Detector : (LW-403 4D) UV (280 nm) (small cell volume) (LW-803) UV (280 nm) (conventional type) Column temp. : Room temp.
Sample Name Index
Operation Manual / Certificate of Analysis
Operation Manuals and Certificate of Analysis / Inspection Certificate for the following products can be downloaded here.
Product Name Index
- Sample Load (KW-803)
- Effects of Flow Rate (KW-802.5, KW-803)
- Standard Proteins (1) (KW-802.5)
- Standard Proteins (2) (KW-802.5 and KW-803)
- Standard Proteins (14) (KW-802.5)
- Standard Proteins (15) (KW-803)
- Standard Proteins (16) (KW-804)
- Standard Proteins (18) (KW-803)
- Standard Proteins (19) (KW-804)
- Standard Proteins (23) (GF-510 HQ)
- Standard Proteins (24) (KW402.5-4F)
- Standard Proteins (25) (KW403-4F)
- Standard Proteins (26) (KW404-4F)
- Standard Proteins (27) (KW405-4F)
- Recovery of Proteins (GF-310 HQ and GS-320 HQ)
- Recovery of Proteins (KW-802.5 and KW-803)
- Recovery of Proteins (KW-803)
- Proteins in Human Serum (3) (KW-803)
- Dimer and Trimer of BSA
- Crude Albumin (Chicken Egg) (1) (KW-803)
- Crude Lipoxidase
- Crude Catalase
- Crude Hexokinase
- Human Serum (1) (SB-802 HQ)
- Tryptic Digest of Human IgG
- Comparison of Chromatograms of Protein Mixtures
- Comparison between KW402.5-4F and KW-802.5
- Recovery of Proteins (KW402.5-4F, KW403-4F)
- Human Control Serum
- Analysis of Whey in Yogurt (KW403 4F + KW402.5 4F)
- Lectin Protein
- Peptide Analysis (SEC)
- PEG-Chymotrypsin (KW-802.5)
- SEC Analysis of PEG-Asparaginase (SB-806 HQ)
- Human IgM (2)
- Poly-Lysine
- Avidin (2)
- α1 Acid Glycoprotein
- Analysis of Gelatin (SB-806M HQ)
- Analysis of Insulin Glargine According to JP Method (KW-802.5)
- Analysis of Human Insulin According to JP Method (KW-802.5)
- Analysis of High Molecular Impurities in Insulin Aspart According to Pharmacopeia Method (KW-802.5)
- Analysis of High Molecular Weight Protein According to USP-NF GENERAL CHAPTERS Physicochemical Analytical Procedures for Insulins (KW-802.5)
- Comparison of SEC Separation of Standard Proteins
- Comparison of SEC Separation of Polyclonal Antibody
- Comparison of SEC Separation of Monoclonal Antibody
- Comparison of Separation of BSA Aggregates (LW-803, KW-803)
- Monitoring Papain Digestion of Humanized Monoclonal IgG (LW-803)
- Analysis of Lipoproteins in Serum (KW-804)
- Durability Test by Number of Sample Injections (LW-403 4D)
- Analysis of Epoetin According to USP-NF Method (LW-803)
- Comparison of Separation of Proteins with Conventional Device and Semi-micro Type Device (LW-403 4D)
- Comparison of IgG Separation with Conventional Device and Semi-micro Type Device (LW-403 4D)
- Particle Size Distribution Determination of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Virus-like Particle (HBsAg VLP) (KW405-4F)
- Analysis of Hemocyanin (KW405-4F)
- Analysis of Somatropin According to EP Method (LW-803)
- SEC Analysis of Rituximab (LW-803)
- SEC/MALS Analysis of Norovirus VLP (SB-805 HQ)
- SEC/MALS Analysis of Norovirus VLP (2) (UB-50)
- Analysis of Thymosin α1 (KW-802.5)
- SEC/MALS Analysis of Exosome (SB-806 HQ)
- SEC/MALS Analysis of Exosome (2) (UB-100)
- Analysis of Proteoglycan in a Supplement (SB-806M HQ)
- Molecular Weight Measurements of Low Molecular Weight Heparins According to USP-NF GENERAL CHAPTERS <209> (KW-803 + KW-802.5)
- Molecular Weight Distribution Analysis of Collagen Peptide According to Gelatin Manufactures Association of Japan Method (KW-802.5)
Applications (Related Information)
- Calibration Curves for KW-800 Series (Pullulan)
- Calibration Curves for KW-800 Series (Proteins)
- Calibration Curves for KW-800 Series (PEG, PEO)
- Calibration Curves of KW400-4F (1) (Pullulan)
- Calibration Curves of KW400-4F (2) (Proteins)
- Calibration Curves of KW400-4F (3) (PEG, PEO)
- Calibration Curves for GF-HQ Series (Aqueous Eluent: Proteins)
- Calibration Curve for LW-803 (Proteins)
- Calibration Curve for LW-403 4D (Proteins)